Laurieton, NSW


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AGM 2024- Nancy de Ville our retiring President being presented with a gift from club members.

Date: 21-Jul-24

Our hard working Directors for 2023 Margaret and Carl. Absent-Nancy de Ville

Date: 5-Dec-23

A thank you to Cameron for all the work he does as our Masterpoints Secretary

Date: 5-Dec-23

Winners of the Camden Head Trophy,Pamela, Margaret and Denise. Absent-Nancy de Ville

Date: 5-Dec-23

Runners up Camden Head trophy.Isabel and Alison. Absent-Naomi Rynne and Dianne Henry

Date: 5-Dec-23

3rd place Camden Head Trophy. Don and Lyn.Absent-Jennifer Gordon and Ray Innes

Date: 5-Dec-23

Most points scored at club level. Under 50mp-Barry Jackson. Over 50mp Margaret Dunlop

Date: 5-Dec-23

Lyn Redgate.Winner of most games played...75

Date: 5-Dec-23

Our hard working Secretary Frances, who puts a great deal of time and effort into making our Christmas party a success. Thank you Frances. Pictured with Vice President Julie S

Date: 5-Dec-23

Julie Fowler who played with the most partners..namely 20

Date: 5-Dec-23

Mary Biden who played with 14 partners

Date: 5-Dec-23

The player with the best performance with different partners, Frances

Date: 5-Dec-23

Margaret Dunlop receiving recognition for the coverted award of silver life Master with over 500 master points. A great achievement Margaret

Date: 5-Dec-23

A tongue twister competition for the ladies. The winner was Alison.We would expect no less from a speech therapist

Date: 5-Dec-23

Thank you Monicka and Frances for the afternoons entertainment. It was very enjoyable

Date: 5-Dec-23

Date: 5-Dec-23

Our lovely gift and Trophy table

Date: 5-Dec-23

The lovely Monicka

Date: 5-Dec-23

Queens Lake Trophy winners- Team member Jan Kuras accepting on behalf of Barry Jackson ,Robyn Griffiths and Rowan Ferguson

Date: 22-Jul-23

Faye Watson Shield- Winners Julie Barker, Barry Jackson

Date: 22-Jul-23

Cameron Kirton and Lyn Redgate our wonderful life members. Thank you for all you have done for our club.

Date: 22-Jul-23

A special award to Ray Innes. He has held many positions on the committee, including President. Your commitment to the club has been very much appreciated Ray.

Date: 22-Jul-23

Australia Wide Novice Pairs-Heat winners Denise McGann and Cath Ditchfield

Date: 22-Jul-23

Australia Wide Novice Pairs- Heat runners up Julie Scanlan and Janice Pearson

Date: 22-Jul-23

Club Championship winners-Nancy deVille and Margaret Dunlop

Date: 22-Jul-23

Queens Lake Trophy- Third place-Frances Forman,Jean Judd, Terry Feltham and Trevor Taylor.

Date: 22-Jul-23

Queens lake Trophy-Runners up-Nancy deVille, Carl Phillips,Margaret Dunlop and Jim Forbes

Date: 22-Jul-23

Our hard working directors. Margaret Dunlop, Nancy De Ville, Carl Phillips

Date: 3-Dec-22

Winners Camden head trophy 2022. Janice Pearson, Cate Potts, Julie Scanlan, Pamela Barlow.

Date: 3-Dec-22

2nd place Camden head trophy.Frank Marchant, Trevor Taylor,Lyn Redgate,Don Colyer

Date: 3-Dec-22

3rd place Camden head trophy 2022. Carl Phillips, Denise Mc Gann,absent Jim Forbes, Cath Ditchfield

Date: 3-Dec-22

2022 Christmas party

Date: 3-Dec-22

2022 Christmas party

Date: 3-Dec-22

2022 Christmas party

Date: 3-Dec-22

2022 Christmas party

Date: 3-Dec-22

2022 Christmas party

Date: 3-Dec-22

2022 Christmas party

Date: 3-Dec-22

2022 Christmas party . We were entertained by the lovely Frances and Faith

Date: 3-Dec-22

Life Members(Left to Right) Margaret Dunlop, Cameron Kirton and Lyn Redgate. Awarded to acknowledge years of extraordinary service to the club.

Date: 29-Sep-22

AGM Placing 3rd In Queen's Lake Trophy, Julie Scanlon, Janice Pearson, Nancy Deville and Margaret Dunlop

Date: 23-Jul-22

AGM Catherine Ditchfield and Denise McGann, 2 of our newer players, won 3rd prize in Faye Watson Shield

Date: 23-Jul-22

Christmas Party 2021 Entertainment Alisa and Franes

Date: 16-Dec-21

Most Master Points for 2021 Diana Whiteley

Date: 14-Dec-21

Faye Watson Trophy Winners 2021 Diana and Ailsa

Date: 14-Dec-21

Most Games played 2021 Margaret and Trevor

Date: 14-Dec-21

Directors 2021 Nancy, Carl and Margaret

Date: 14-Dec-21

Encouragement award for New Players Ian and Belinda

Date: 14-Dec-21

Congress photos Dianna Whitely and Dorothy Woodside won the Encouragement award!

Date: 29-Sep-19

Congress photos Second in Open Teams Robyn Griffiths, Pat Sleat,Deborah Carmichael and Sue Hollis

Date: 29-Sep-19

Congress photos Intermediate Runners-up June Cook, Sally Webber, Dianne Henry and Isabel Cowled

Date: 29-Sep-19

Club Championship 2019 Nancy DeVille and Margaret Dunlop

Date: 11-Sep-19

Third in Queen's Lake Teams-Lyn Redgate Don Colyer and Di Henry

Date: 11-Sep-19

Winners are grinners! Nancy and Margaret first in State-wide Pairs

Date: 11-Sep-19

Norma Feller achieves her 90th year!

Date: 11-Sep-19